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Elizabeth Brady

Elizabeth Brady

Branch Chair

Elizabeth Brady was elected as the Branch Chair, and is part of the Branch leadership team. 

Elizabeth can be contacted via the Branch email address at

Ian Thomas

Ian Thomas

Branch Secretary

Ian is the UNISON Bedfordshire Health Branch Secretary, a position he has held for many years. 

Ian is also the Staff Side Chair, leading on all union activity at Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and works regularly with other Unions to help you, our members. 

You can contact Ian by e-mail at


Sandy Johnson

Sandy Johnson

Branch Treasurer

Sandy Johnson is the Treasurer for the Branch and has the main responsibility of managing the branch’s finances.

Sandy also acts as the Branch’s Environment Officer.

 You can contact Sandy by email at


Hetty Okonji

Hetty Okonji

H&S Rep / Black Members Officer

Hetty is also Health and Safety Representative and is based at Bedford Hospital. 

Hetty is also the Branch’s Black Members Officer and can be contacted in regards to any issues faced as a Black staff member.

You can contact Hetty by phone on 07920458150 or by e-mail at



Branch Vice Chair

The Branch Vice Chair position is vacant.


Carol Smith

Carol Smith

Education Co-ordinator / Equality Co-ordinator / Disability Officer

Carol holds a number of positions in the Branch but primarily is one of three Equality Co-Ordinators, as well as being our Education Co-Ordinator and Disability Officer. Carol is based at Bedford Hospital.

You can contact Carol by e-mail at

Tom May

Tom May

Workplace Steward (BLMK ICB)

Tom is one of our Workplace Stewards based in the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board.

Tom can be contacted by e-mail at or by mobile on 07968 966091


Noeleen McLoughlin

Noeleen McLoughlin

Workplace Steward (BLMK ICB)

Noeleen is one of three Workplace Stewards based with the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board and can be contacted by email at

Elaine Baugh

Elaine Baugh

Branch Equality Co-Ordinator (BLMK ICB)

Elaine works closely with Carol Smith and Ava Ben-Avram on all things equality in the Branch and also acts as one of three Workplace Stewards at Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board..

Elaine can be contacted by e-mail at



Paulette Rennie

Paulette Rennie

Retired Members Officer

Paulette is our Retired Members Officer and can be contacted to discuss anything in regards to retirement or pensions.

You can contact Paulette via the Branch email address at


Ligia Soares

Ligia Soares

Branch Women's Officer

Ligia is based at Bedford Hospital and represents the branch as Women’s Officer. 

Ligia can be contacted by email at

Yemisi Oyedepo

Yemisi Oyedepo

Communications Officer

Yemisi is the Branch’s Communications Officer and manages all of our comms for members and other parties.

Yemisi can be contacted via the Branch email address at 

Courtney Mann & Jay McCutcheon

Courtney Mann & Jay McCutcheon

Young Members Officers

Courtney and Jay are the Branch’s co-Young Members Officers and work with UNISON’s young members, (classed as 30 years old and below) on issues facing the younger generation in workplaces.

They can both be contacted via the Branch email address at 


Gershon Agbley

Gershon Agbley

Branch Membership Officer

Gershon is the Branch’s membership officer and can be contacted if you have any queries with your membership.

Gershon can be contacted via the Branch’s email address at


Ali Telford

Ali Telford

Branch Welfare Officer

Ali is the Branch Welfare Officer and can be approached for anything in regards to financial hardship, welfare or other difficulties faced by our low paid members.

Ali can be contacted via the Branch email address at


Jo Williamson

Jo Williamson

Workplace Steward (ISS)

Jo is one of our Workplace Stewards specifically for Domestic Services at Luton who are outsourced to ISS. Jo can be contacted by e-mail [to be confirmed] 

Tim Muhamba

Tim Muhamba

Workplace Steward

Tim works as a chargehand porter at Bedford Hospital and is one of our workplace stewards.

Tim can be contacted via email at


Paul Mensah

Paul Mensah

Workplace Steward (ISS)

Paul is one of our Workplace Stewards specifically for Domestic Services at Luton who are outsourced to ISS. You can contact Paul by e-mail at [to be confirmed].

Charlotte Bonser

Charlotte Bonser

Workplace Steward (ELFT)

Charlotte is one of your Workplace Stewards, based with East London Foundation Trust in Luton and Bedford. Charlotte can be contacted by phone on 07876 257537 or on e-mail at

Dolapo Omode

Dolapo Omode

Workplace Steward

Dolapo is one of our workplace stewards and can be contacted via the Branch email address at

Steve Theisinger

Steve Theisinger

Workplace Steward

Steve is one of our workplace stewards at Luton & Dunstable Hospital. You can contact Steve via the Branch email address at

Beverley Findlay

Beverley Findlay

Workplace Steward

Beverley is one of the Branch’s newly-trained workplace stewards and can be found as a CSW on Shand Ward at Bedford Hospital. To contact Bev, please call 01234 355122 (ext 2232.) 

Catherine Kearsley

Catherine Kearsley

Workplace Steward

Catherine is one of our workplace stewards and can be contacted via the Branch email address at

Kelsey Thorsby-Genas

Kelsey Thorsby-Genas

Workplace Steward

Kelsey is one of our workplace stewards and can be contacted via the Branch email address at

Emmalene Hunter

Emmalene Hunter

Workplace Steward

Emmalene is one of our workplace stewards and can be contacted via the Branch email address at

Martha St Ville

Martha St Ville

Workplace Steward

Marthais one of our workplace stewards and can be contacted via the Branch email address at

Adela Vaida

Adela Vaida

Workplace Steward

Adela is a workplace steward situated in the cardiology department at Bedford Hospital. Adela can be contacted via the Branch email address at