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CSW’s at Bedford Hospital and L&D win NHS Pay Uplift …
With the help of UNISON’s National Strategic Organising Unit, Bedfordshire Health Branch have been working to get CSW’s up from Band 2 to Band 3 on the NHS Agenda for Change pay scale.
We were delighted to welcome UNISON’s General Secretary, Christina McAnea to Bedford Hospital on Thursday 4th May to kick off the campaign.
On Monday 16th October 2023, David Carter signed a pledge to meet with UNISON and a team of CSW’s to discuss the well-deserved and long awaited pay rise for Band 2 HCA’s.
As of 22nd January 2024, the workforce had not received a viable offer from the Trust. Therefore, we went out on strike.
It took TWO DAYS of strike action for the Trust to notice that our hospitals cannot run without our CSWs… They then offered exactly what we asked for!
ALL CSW’s up to Band 3 and up to five years of back pay!
We are now working on reimbursing everyone as much as we can for missed pay thanks to strike action and associated hardship payments.
For more information, please contact Ian Thomas and Sandy Johnson via the Branch email address, (

Other Unison Campaigns
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- Migrant care staff having to share beds, sleep rough and charged thousands in illegal fees
- HE conference highlights link between funding and pay
- Make 2025 the year you …
- Opinion: How to celebrate LGBT+ History Month
- Neighbourhood policing won’t improve unless money is put into staff roles
- Council and school staff are overdue a significant pay rise, say unions
- NHS must retain and grow its workforce to meet patient needs